Couple in love


With Him (Formerly Get him back)

Heart Line Art

The step-by-step guide to heal your break up, rev up your feminine vibe, and get the commitment you desire from him!

My clients see DAILY results - it's AMAZING to say the least!


But that wasn't always the case...

I’ve gone from anxious, heartbroken, and bitter to breaking self-limiting barriers and creating deep intimacy with myself and a loving relationship with my man too!

I share it ALL in Reunite with Him Program. You'll learn not only reconnect with your man but to keep him in love FOREVER.


 Number 1 Circle

Identify why your man has ended the relationship + discover what he’s been thinking/feeling/doing since the breakup.

Lucky Number Two

How to quickly undo the damage from the break up and turn him toward you – no matter how far away he seems right now.

Number Three in Circle

What a man REALLY wants from a woman + what to do and say to inspire romance in him so he calls you, texts you, and asks you out.

Number Four in Circle

Steps to His Undying Love & Commitment: Inspire him to finally commit without ultimatums, convincing, or waiting around

Module 1

Level Up


Break your addiction from your past relationships to liberate yourself from toxic patterns, beliefs and conditioning. Activate your courage, strength and mindfulness to establish a whole new level of self-worth, intimacy, love and communication.

Module 1

Level Up


Seed Life Sacred Geometry
sacred geometry

  • Reframe your past so that you can manifest with ease in the future
  • Recognize your patterns in love stemming from your childhood
  • Release your old ideas that kept you stuck.

Value $500

Module 2

Spirit Connection

Focus and tap into the Divine as you unleash your authentic, limitless power, and never ruin relationships again with codependency. Anchor your life’s ship to your partner and create or strengthen the bond you already have with your Higher power.

Module 2

Spirit Connection

Seed Life Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry design elements

  • Find your higher power of your understanding
  • Release any resistance that keeps you in an” illusion of alone”
  • Connect with your spiritual divinity so that your true love can come home to you

Value $500

Module 3

Deep Dive Transformation

Transform your very core as you find all of the energetic cords holding you in place and keeping you from ascending and unleash the new version of yourself not just in romance, but in all of your life’s relationships!

Module 3

Deep Dive Transformation

Seed Life Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry design elements

  • Flip your rage and resentments that keep you out of luck in love on their head
  • Shine light on your subconscious to kill the limiting beliefs that shield you from true love
  • Own your responsibility to go from Victim to Vixen.

Value $500

Module 4

Magnetic Attraction

Shift into your best version of yourself as you get clear on the areas where you need to grow and change, align with what your Divine love yearns for and become magnetic to the one you desire.

Module 4

Magnetic Attraction

Seed Life Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry Mandala Illustration

  • Recognize the difference between You and Your Trauma and release what no longer serves your life.
  • Magically turn your undesirable traits to your best assets
  • Gently accept what you tried to run from about yourself and become a super attractor.

Value $500

Module 5

Hero Goddess

Deep Dive Rebuild and Right and Release- Now there is action. Here you learn to right, anything from the past, so that you can embody the beautiful present moment and thus gain your best future in love.

Module 5

Hero Goddess

Triangle Geometric Sacred Geometry

  • Learn to become the hero goddess of your life
  • Release any grudges, or negativity to make a clean slate for love
  • Heal Relationships of all sorts with ease and pleasure

Value $500

Module 6

Embody Highest Dimention

Learn a special high vibration daily practice so that you do not return to old negative habits. Learn the keys to your dream relationship's ability to have longevity in the future and to hold on to the Secret Love Codes that you have obtained by this point.

Module 6

Embody Highest Dimention

Sacred geometry design element

  • Embody Lasting change
  • Become your best dimensional self
  • Level up the present now and forever

Value $500

Module 7

Love Codes Polarity

Now to learn the Secrets of Feminine and Masculine Energy. With these teachings you will finally understand why your past loves have failed and what you must do now to have peace, passion, and pure love in its truest form from now on.


Module 7

Love Codes Polarity

sacred geometry space

  • Learn the ancient secret four energy archetypes
  • Discover your dominant archetypes and that of your love interest
  • Learn the secrets of energy to become your true self and render your love helpless to your magnetic energy

Value $500

Module 8

Universal Happiness Key

Healthy Energetic Tug of War - Learn how to stop chasing healthy love away with your own insecurities in this eye opening module. Peek into the psyche of your partner to remove the confusion that has caused you to turn into a needy nag in the past.


Module 8

Universal Happiness Key

Complex Sacred Geometry

  • Stop being pulled into helpless anxiety when you haven’t heard from them
  • Reclaim your power and deep desirability
  • Learn the universal key to happiness in love

Value $500

Module 9

Essence of Love

Low Tide Explanation - Learn how to finally embody feminine energy. Dispel the age old notion of feminine energy being weak, and learn the power that is the chaos of mother nature, creation and receiving energy. Harness this knowledge to become irresistible in love.

Module 9

Essence of


sacred geometry space

  • Understand the energy of Divine feminine and Divine Masculine
  • Draw their love to you at last with this lesson
  • Embody the essence of femme power

Value $500

Module 10

Queen Transformation

Now to embody your future self in the present. This module takes everything that you have learned and becomes the catalyst for your true love to worship you as you were truly meant to be.

Module 10

Queen Transformation

Sacred Geometry Design Elements

  • Connect With Your Royal Self
  • Cement Boundaries and Know your divine worth
  • Draw their love to you at last with this lesson
  • Eliminate doubt forever

Value $500

Module 11

Forevery Love

Energy Reimbursement - To truly keep these gifts you must now give them. Learn ways to return these transformative offerings to a beautiful service to those you love the most and therefore letting you keep them.

Module 11

Forevery Love

Seed Life Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry Design Elements

  • Embody the spirit of service to keep your new energy
  • Connect with divine
  • Find eternal happiness energyr

Value $500


VALUE $1,000



Meditation 1


Embody your personal story and truth with this meditation for Module 1.

Value $100

Meditation 2


The Spirit Meditation puts you in contact with your own higher power. Nothing will transform you faster than this.

Value $100

Meditation 3


Traverse your mind’s eye in this meditation opening your heart at last.

Value $100

Meditation 4


Shine your unique light with the deep delicious meditation.


Value $100

Meditation 5


Deep embodiment of your motivation and power to draw love toward you.

Value $100

Meditation 6


Really embody your consistency with your future self with this meditation.

Value $100

Meditation 7


Feel the new energy that you have been seeking enter your body. Lose your obsession with the view of others and embody your worth.

Value $100

Meditation 8

Stop Obsessing

Stop the cyclical exhausting thoughts running your mind rampant.

Value $100

Meditation 9

Stop the Urge to Contact Him

Lose the compulsion to text him when you know it will drive him away if you do!

Value $100

Meditation 10

alleviate fear of casual dating

Date and grow in confidence making space for your love to return with ease.

Value $100

Meditation 10

alleviate fear of casual dating

Date and grow in confidence making space for your love to return with ease.

Value $100


VALUE $500

57 Page

Work Book

Apply Now Job Submit Button

Do you want to speak with Lauren 1:1?

This call is worth 500 dollars so please only apply if you are ready to move ahead, faster with support and serious about the transformation in your love life or relationship.

I consider it an absolute privilege to be able to support you!

The private Divine Relationship Facebook group was created to help support you

along your journey of completing the

course + meet like minded women.

Mobile Phone Mockup
Passionate Young Couple Beachside


Modern Simple Minimalist Frames


You are struggling to build a solid and loving bond with a man after separation, distance, divorce, or breakup.

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames


You want your man to call you, text you, ask you out, prioritize you, commit to you, and love you forever

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames


Yo want to raise your self esteem +

become more intriguing and attractive to your man

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames


You want to heartbreak proof your relationship, so you never have to go through a painful break up again


Diamond Star Silhouette

He seems difficult, distant or gone.

Diamond Star Silhouette

He has blocked you on his social media pages and there is zero contact between you.

Diamond Star Silhouette

He has withdrawn from you, shut you out, is depressed, down on himself, angry, says he loves you – yet has walked away.


Red Heart Neon Light Signage

Mindset + manifesting strategies (meditations to activate your feminine power).

love letter

The specific words, scripts, and phrases that will make him more devoted to you

Red hot abstract wheels

4+ hours of high vibrating audio lessons and a 48 page workbook

Closeup Sexy Female Lips with Lipstick

The divine energy archetype explanation cheatsheet.


Lauren went from being heartbroken and stuck in cycle with her toxic ex...


in just 2 weeks!

Now she empower other women (just like YOU) to do the same


Qa Icon

Q. What happens when I pay?

A. You will receive an email in your inbox with a link to access the files on our beautiful training portal. You will be able to watch / listen online, using laptops, tablets and mobile devices

Q. Are there refunds?

A. Because this is a digital program, all sales are final.

We believe in full commitment to the program, in order to help you get results. Hence, no refunds will be available.

Q. Is there any live support as part of this program?

A. Yes! You get access to the Divine Realized Private FB page!

Q. Is it only for married or in a relationship ladies?

A. No. This program will work no matter if you're single going through a break up, or married going through a divorce, or want a ex lover back.

Q. How is the program delivered?

A. You'll get access to them online. They are in audios, videos, and PDF format. All trainings are going to be accessible for a lifetime once paid.

Option #1

Pay In Full

$1111 best value



  • Immediate access into ​Reunite with him
  • 2x group zooms with ​Lau​ren a month!
  • Life ​Time Access
  • Priv​ate Facebook group (Va​lue: $1,000)
  • Bonus​ ​M​editations


Standard Investment


Your Price:


Payment Plan

Option #2

  • Immediate access into
  • Lifetime access
  • Private Group

2 payments ​of $1200


12 payments ​of $149

Apply Now Job Submit Button

Want to speak to Lauren About VIP or 1:1?

This call is worth 500 dollars so please only apply if you are ready to move ahead, faster with support and serious about the transformation in your love life or relationship.

I consider it an absolute privilege to be able to support you!